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#45: He Owns Us...


Thread Title Poll  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Avoid the crazy, enjoy the good, and chill.
    • How come I didn't notice before that he is so cute? Why didn't someone tell me?
    • Clay was a revelation, like fire and music
    • OMG...is this guy CUTE or WHAT?!?!?!?
    • Clay didn't just come out, he kicked down the door.
    • I think Clay Aiken is pretty special
    • Clay Aiken: High Priest of Hotness
    • Dear God: You do good work.
    • The man is priceless!
    • Clay really is a treasure.
    • Adorable times two!

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It may sound funny/weird, but I feel very fortunate that my parents both died of cancer when they were 57 and 64 and I'm not faced with elder care. Especially since it would have been duty, not love, to care for them.

It is possible to feel both duty and love in taking care of loved ones. As my parents aged, I felt it was part of my role as an adult daughter (duty? maybe) to make sure that hey were getting the support they needed. I began to invite them once a week for dinner and touched base more frequently throughout the week. I love my parents deeply but I felt a duty all the same.

I haven't posted much since my dad died fairly suddenly last month. I want to thank all those who offered support. And ooslee I found the information you posted about aneurysms very interesting and comforting .

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{{{cagney1950}}} I am sorry to hear of the loss of your dad.

Clayzedover, so good to see you here and posting again!!! :thbighug-1:

couchie, good to see you checking in. Glad to hear your mom is doing ok. :BlowKiss:

Well, I finally have the house to myself. Mom got home safely this afternoon, and the ex has taken son #2 home for a few days. The other kids are working. I was quick to get the Christmas tunes playing on the stereo when they all left. I love my quiet time.

Hope everyone had a great day! Time to relax with a good book........

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cagney... I guess I should have said "only" duty. Words carry different meanings for different people. If my parents had loved me, not abused me, then taking care of them as they aged would have been a loving, caring thing to do. Can love and duty be married... absolutely. I'm glad for you it was.
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cagney... I guess I should have said "only" duty. Words carry different meanings for different people. If my parents had loved me, not abused me, then taking care of them as they aged would have been a loving, caring thing to do. Can love and duty be married... absolutely. I'm glad for you it was.

I now understand the context for what you were saying liney. I appreciate your repy.

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As far as bears go, there may be a chance that someone might be able make some possibly for some people to purchase to maybe benefit a certain good cause....

Annnd there just might be a chance that someone might want to buy one....oh for a good cause and not just to drool over, you understand!

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I'm taking the opportunity now while my grand daughters, daughter and DIL are napping to catch up here.

We had a very late Christmas dinner, seems that the regulator on my propane tank was acting up. I was tired and starting to feel a little overwhelmed. It was the first time I've cooked a turkey in 7 years! Fortunately my son and daughter took over and shooed me out of the kitchen so I got to play with the grandkids while they took care of dinner.

That freakin' bear is freakin' adorable.....(enter cynical Muski now) and soon to be in the hands of one or two predictable Clay fans to join other memorabilia of adorable-ness. :whistling-1: Now see....instead of auctioning one bear off to the high rollers, I'd like to see them being mass produced for purchase at a reasonable price for those of us who don't have $20,000 or so hanging around with which to purchase a stuffed animal. I'd probably buy a few and give them to kids I know as presents. Proceeds could still go to charity and more people would be able to feel part of it all. JMO...

I guess part of the appeal for the people bidding on the bears is that it is one of a kind but I think it would be a great idea for money raising. I'd love one of those bears.

I am filled with admiration for those of you looking after aged parents. I love my mother but I tell you that we would drive each other nuts if we lived together.

After my father died, Mother at 88 was determined to stay in the house she and Dad had lived in for over 30 years. My brother and I put in place all the help she would need outside of a full time live in companion, which she would have hated. After a few months she realized that she could not stay there alone any longer and with the help of her doctor and my brother found a place in a very nice assisted living facility in the community where she is known and loved.

Still it is hard for her at 90 with so many of her friends gone, my brother over 200 miles away and me across the continent. I talk with her about 3 times a week for an hour or so and usually have a joke to end the conversation on a laugh. I just wish I weren't so far away.

I saw with a shock that Eartha Kitt just died at 81, still performing up until a few months ago. Her Santa Baby is the definitive version.

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Oh, I've had one of those days.

I went to see Gran Torino and right when it got to the big finale, the film stopped and the lights came on! So, after sitting through the whole thing, I don't know how it ends. I got a pass to see it again, but CRAP.

So....if anyone out there has seen the movie, could you please PM me and tell me how it ends.

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:welcome1: back clayzdover. It's so very nice to see you posting again after your experience. And good for you planning on giving back.

All of you caregivers are amazing gifts to your parents or patients. I have to keep myself in good shape as I can't imagine either of my sons sacrificing in that way. :clap: Of course I could be surprised.:Imok:

My oldest son gave me an ipod for Christmas. Its cute, teensy tiny, green and I can watch videos on it. I'm enjoying it right now although he bought it for me to use in the gym.

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Ack! Hubby and fly early tomorrow morning -- and unfortunately, for us to get cheaper tickets, we had to do from our local airport to Chicago to Washington DC to NYC. And even more unfortunately, we're in the midst of some serious fog at the moment -- which also affects Chicago! Pray for us! There's about 2 hours between connections, but still. Nervewracking!

Have a great few days everyone. I'm sure I'll be checking in if I can!

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Hubby and I saw "Doubts" today with Meryl Streep and Phillip Seymour Hoffman...




Truly one of the best movies I've seen in a very long time. And, fool that I am, I kept thinking of Clay during some of the revelations happening in the story. I certainly hadn't expected to find anything in this movie to make me think of him...but

Anyhoo. I found myself wishing I could sit down with another Clay fan who's seen this movie to talk about it. I heartily recommend the film, with or without any Clay associations.

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I went to Ross. Lord help me. I hate shopping, which just means I'm fast. Found what I needed in 10 minutes. Stood in line for checkout for 45 minutes. Geesh. Now all I need is some flat comfy shoes and i'm all set for Clay and NYC. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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I'm ready for Clay and NYC, too, Couchie! I'm bouncing off the walls I'm so ready. Flats? How about tennis shoes? I understand there's a lot of walking in NYC. Nothing better than my Keds for that. I think my friends will make me walk 3 paces behind them, though. :cryingwlaughter:

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Well, this trip is starting so well...

Just got a call from United Airlines. Our early morning flight tomorrow has been CANCELLED due to fog! AAAAAARGH! Fortunately, the lady was as helpful as she could be. Unfortunately, it really messes up our schedule! We are now leaving a different airport (about an hour and a half away) at 6:00 pm tomorrow evening, and we'll be arriving at LaGuardia instead of JFK. And then, our flight back on Tuesday has to be rescheduled a bit as well. Just got off the phone with Orbitz -- our SuperShuttle Reservation has been cancelled, and I'm getting ready to schedule a new reservation (out of LaGuardia to Manhattan).

I'm ready to scream.

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The weather here sucks. We are going to get heavy fog with rain tomorrow. That will make the ski hill full of ice. Cannot wait to ski on Monday.

I wish everyone that is traveling to NYC this weekend a prayer that things will work out. I know the fear of the unknown when traveling. I was thankful when ours went well in November.

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Well, this trip is starting so well...

Just got a call from United Airlines. Our early morning flight tomorrow has been CANCELLED due to fog! AAAAAARGH! Fortunately, the lady was as helpful as she could be. Unfortunately, it really messes up our schedule! We are now leaving a different airport (about an hour and a half away) at 6:00 pm tomorrow evening, and we'll be arriving at LaGuardia instead of JFK. And then, our flight back on Tuesday has to be rescheduled a bit as well. Just got off the phone with Orbitz -- our SuperShuttle Reservation has been cancelled, and I'm getting ready to schedule a new reservation (out of LaGuardia to Manhattan).

I'm ready to scream.

Poor ldyjocelyn! I hope things start working out better for you!

Geesh! I'm all behind! Let's see... Cute bear! Merry (belated) Christmas everyone! Have good trips Couch Tomato and Bookwhore!

Hope I didn't miss anything... Oh! I did have a random question/request! Does anyone have a good picture of that necklace Clay wore on Idol? It looked like a large chain of some sort... I know he wore it when he sang "At This Moment" but I can't remember the other times..

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I hope there are no more disruptions to your schedule ldyj. I've never had to deal with airlines and cancellations or anything like that. That may be next on my list depending on if Clay decides to tour exclusively west of the Mississippi next time.

Hope you have a wonderful time in NYC and that Clay does stage door every night for you. And can't wait until next weekend when I get to see Clay again and meet a whole bunch of FCA members. Wish you could be there but maybe I can meet you during the next tour, which will hopefully be in the very near future.

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Well, this trip is starting so well...

Just got a call from United Airlines. Our early morning flight tomorrow has been CANCELLED due to fog! AAAAAARGH! Fortunately, the lady was as helpful as she could be. Unfortunately, it really messes up our schedule! We are now leaving a different airport (about an hour and a half away) at 6:00 pm tomorrow evening, and we'll be arriving at LaGuardia instead of JFK. And then, our flight back on Tuesday has to be rescheduled a bit as well. Just got off the phone with Orbitz -- our SuperShuttle Reservation has been cancelled, and I'm getting ready to schedule a new reservation (out of LaGuardia to Manhattan).

I'm ready to scream.

Yuck! I hope things start going right soon! NYC and Clayyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you didn't have tickets for tomorrow night.

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No tickets for tomorrow night, thankfully. The only night we are seeing Spamalot is Monday night. I can't convince hubby that we should see this play more than once. Wonder why? *g* Actually, we've got this trip divided up -- Sunday is "his" day. We're going to the Frick Museum, stopping by the Brill Building (where songwriters such as Carole King and Neil Sedaka got their start), and then out to a jazz club with a friend of my husband's brother. Monday is "my" day -- lots of time at Rockefeller Center, hopefully Central Park, and then Spamalot.

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Good luck, ldyj! :BlowKiss:

So Bookwhore is also going to be in NYC next week? Eeeeee! Another FCA'er to meet! :whoo:

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I went to Ross. Lord help me. I hate shopping, which just means I'm fast. Found what I needed in 10 minutes. Stood in line for checkout for 45 minutes. Geesh. Now all I need is some flat comfy shoes and i'm all set for Clay and NYC. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Yay!! I'm so glad you get to go to NYC to enjoy yourself, after all of the caregiving and stress with your Mom! You deserve it!

I'm ready for Clay and NYC, too, Couchie! I'm bouncing off the walls I'm so ready. Flats? How about tennis shoes? I understand there's a lot of walking in NYC. Nothing better than my Keds for that. I think my friends will make me walk 3 paces behind them, though. :cryingwlaughter:

I agree - tennis shoes in NYC are great! And they can be stylish. I bought some wonderfully comfortable and cute Sketchers before my NYC trip last March, and they were a Godsend. Have a wonderful time in NYC, BW!!

ldyj, I'm sorry your trip plans are getting messed up! Hopefully all of the arrangements will come together soon.

djs, that movie site is verrrra dangerous. I have a difficult time not reading the end of a suspenseful book, so having movie spoilers so easily found will be difficult for me to resist.

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Oh! I did have a random question/request! Does anyone have a good picture of that necklace Clay wore on Idol? It looked like a large chain of some sort... I know he wore it when he sang "At This Moment" but I can't remember the other times..

I couldn't find a clear picture of the pendant, but I'm pretty sure it's a star in a circle. Paula gave one to all the contestants that year.


Also worn to sing Everlasting Pants Love



Safe travels to all that are going to NYC! :lilredani:

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ldyj... hope the rest of your trip goes smoothly and all connections are met!!!

bottle... OMG, I LOVED the Everlasting Love outfit, the song, and the note that lasted forever! Simon can eat cactus!!! :cryingwlaughter: No... wait.... I"ve eaten cactus fries and they are absolutely delicious!

Well, Christmas is over for me... all gifts exchanged and received. I enjoyed it, but am glad it's finished till next year.

I imagine Parker loved the tree lights, but wait for a couple of years, Clay. My youngest DGD is 2.5 yrs old and this was the best Christmas yet, as the wonder on her face when she saw the tree with all those presents under it was just so darling. Then as she opened a present, like she just couldn't believe that it was for her... so cute! Her sister is 5, so she was excited, but more to see if Santa brought what she asked for, as she knew the drill by now. :cryingwlaughter:

I gained 3 lbs this week... sigh! It may not sound like much, but it took me a month to lose those 3 lbs. I need more self control! :cryingwlaughter:

keeping... what is the Brill Building??? It's purdy! I never thought about architecture much until I did a boat tour of downtown Chicago. Fascinating!!!

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