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#46: Avoid the crazy, enjoy the good, and chill.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Ain't it grand? We've come a long way babee!
    • I love quirky Clay Aiken
    • Fascinating, outrageous Clay. Give me more. I want more.
    • The twisty tie confuses me EVERYtime
    • Still hotness after all these years!!
    • All that said - Orchestra, Band, Kazoo, Bongos, a capella - I'm there. Just sing for us, baby!!
    • If he's singing, I'm there, no matter what, no matter where!
    • As long as he wears his smile all is well
    • That's not just any man... That's OUR man! You're a GOOD MAN, Clay Aiken!

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Thanks Caro! Now I understand what you are talking about!!

As for my project - I did post it online, but when I got back, I was working on it and I got that nasty virus, and I just got my computer back and running late Friday afternoon. I've been busy catching up, and haven't had a chance to get back to it.

The dates are complete, but I haven't added as many youtubes and photos as I planned to do!

Check it out! 2008 YEAR IN REVIEW

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Thanks Caro! Now I understand what you are talking about!!

As for my project - I did post it online, but when I got back, I was working on it and I got that nasty virus, and I just got my computer back and running late Friday afternoon. I've been busy catching up, and haven't had a chance to get back to it.

The dates are complete, but I haven't added as many youtubes and photos as I planned to do!

Check it out! 2008 YEAR IN REVIEW

Thnx, Cha Cha. Good luck with the virus! :friends:

Caro listen.gif

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Hello!!! Just stopping by to wave.

I thought at first that in desperation from Clay's absence the board had converted to a political forum.

(Note: How much worse could Obama POSSIBLY be than Bush??????? Is it even a possibilty that ANYONE could be worse? My dog Rosie could do a better job as president.)

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eta: was it 39 years and 15 days since Abbey Road was released? :)

Nope. Abbey Road had been out a couple of months. I know that I had bought the album and listened to it many times, then I HEARD it for the first time -- December 26. Just one of those personal things that you never forget for the rest of your life and that is perpetually at hand no matter how much time passes. I've always found that what we forget is more important that what we remember, and some experiences are best kept in the now for all our lives to prevent that sort of forgetfulness -- this is one of mine. It was the night I fell in love with life.

It was 1969, okay? Give me a break.

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Bottlecap, I bought my frames on line. I only matted one of them as it was quite the challange to calculate the size of the mat and frame in relation to the print. It is a long narrow print of the NC beach that I won at the Gala auction over a year ago, pre Afghanistan. So no fears of anyone calling me a good customer.

I just won another cd on ebay. It's the radio copy of OMWH. The first cd I won last night is a cd of various RCA artists around the world. For some odd reason Clay is in the UK group. Could he be moving to the UK? :Imok: One more auction to go. I used to only buy antique jewelry from Miriam Haskell at ebay.

I also bought the People Yearbook while I was at Costco today. It was $8.39 vs. the $11.99 list price. Great place to buy magazines.

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So... O/T poll-ish question here...

I made the mistake of telling one of my friends (the one featured in my signature, actually) that I had listened to the single of TITN 72 times, plus assorted other versions of it for a total of listening to TITN 94 times, which makes me wonder... Does anyone else have a Clay Aiken song that they just can't get sick of? (I might get sick of it though... she's proposing locking me in a car and making me listen to it all 94 times, which would be, like, four hours straight of TITN.) If you do, how many times have you listened to it?

That's all. I just want reassurance that I'm not, y'know... nuts... :D

ETA: You know... 94 is actually on the really low side since I listened to it on CD so many times before I got my iPod... :lol:

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So... O/T poll-ish question here...

I made the mistake of telling one of my friends (the one featured in my signature, actually) that I had listened to the single of TITN 72 times, plus assorted other versions of it for a total of listening to TITN 94 times, which makes me wonder... Does anyone else have a Clay Aiken song that they just can't get sick of? (I might get sick of it though... she's proposing locking me in a car and making me listen to it all 94 times, which would be, like, four hours straight of TITN.) If you do, how many times have you listened to it?

That's all. I just want reassurance that I'm not, y'know... nuts... :D

Actually I listened to BOTW and TITN when it first came out over and over for a few days. Same with Without You by Clay and Kimberley Locke, Mary Did You Know, Solitaire and Without You (seems to me a few of us played it over and over at a cluncheon) So you are totally normal. IMO

Also adding Just You from the JBT tour I loved that song, I think I was one of the few, but listened to that over and over too.

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Sad to think that after today there will be no more Spamalot on Broadway! Makes me sad. :cry4:

Yet, it is really hard to stay sad when thinking of Spamalot because just thinking of it makes me laugh! :cryingwlaughter:

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Heh. Oh not me..... :lilredani: I'd never play anything Clay over and over. Heh.

I wore a MOAM through when it came out. Never left my CD player in the car. Used to play it back and forth to work every day, for a year. Crying at points both ways. :hahaha: Every day.

I was just about to say Liar Liar Pants on Fire. See you fessed up.

Hmmm ok so maybe you are crazy cause it looks like only three of us listen to Clay over and over. :cryingwlaughter:

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The only thing I play in my car is Clay...so yeah, I play him over and over. Right now I am listening to the demos and ATDW with OMWH and Sterling Heights thrown in...I am really enjoying the demos as I had not listened to them in quite a while. "I Know How The River Feels" still does it for me and listening to it know after the journey Clay has been on really makes it more special...actually got a bit choked up listening to it. The only song that Clay has sung that I really don't like is his duet of Open Arms with Kelly...just cannot listen to that.


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I have a nasty cold, the first one I have had in a couple of years. I have not worked much since I census has been low, so I have not been exposed to all those kids. Most of the time they are coughing, sneezing, rubbing their runney noses on me and I do not get sick. My husband keeps saying he is not coming near me. We are going out and celebrate our 31st wedding anniversary today with another couple. I just keep drugging myself, so far nothing is working.

The cold virus going around this year is really nasty. I haven't had a cold in ages either, but I got sick right after Christmas and am still not 100%. My friend in PA who had it was sick for a month. I'm happy I took zinc per playbiller's long ago recommendation, but maybe I should've been taken it longer. In retrospect, I wish I had gone to bed when I first got sick and taken better care of myself then, instead of trying to work through it, because in the long run I probably lost more work time by trying to tough it out.

Clayzcoffin, I don't know how many times I've listened to various songs because I have listened in so many different media -- CD's, my old mp3 player, my iPod, through wmp on my computer, and so on. If I had to guess, I'd say probably MGUCL (My Grownup Christmas list) from GMA on Christmas and the Oprah IWCY (I Will Carry You) are pretty high up there. My car CD player doesn't eject well, so I tend to put in one CD and keep it there for six months or more. All of his albums have spent long periods of time in there. So has a JBT compilation, and his old demos. Must've been a bunch of plays for all of those. Now that I play the iPod in the car, lots of Clay stuff gets played (and, gasp, other artists too).

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The only thing I play in my car is Clay...so yeah, I play him over and over. Right now I am listening to the demos and ATDW with OMWH and Sterling Heights thrown in...I am really enjoying the demos as I had not listened to them in quite a while. "I Know How The River Feels" still does it for me and listening to it know after the journey Clay has been on really makes it more special...actually got a bit choked up listening to it. The only song that Clay has sung that I really don't like is his duet of Open Arms with Kelly...just cannot listen to that.


Totally understand the OA problem. I always found that he did a great job.... but for her, she sung the song the way she felt that night and he was trying to harmonize the best way he could (which was wonderful). I have to say though, my biggest thrill is when Kelly started out singing and he came in, the screams were deafening (glorious). Same with Heather Headley, when he started singing the reaction was wonderful.

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Spam report from butterflyshine is that tonight's show is sold out :yess: and Chris Seiber is there. :)

ETA: She has also seen Jerome.

From laughnoutloud at CV:

bigappleforclay just called me...she's at the show trying to get a ticket. She's in the lobby. It's sold out and full of NYers who make it a tradition of attending closing shows. She's talked to butterflyshine. They're expecting Clay to be there, according to Craig the ticket guy, and in the audience. All the previous performers are expected to show up this evening. She says the place is a mad house.
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I could listen to Right Here Waiting from ATDW until eternity and I would never tire of it. It is the first song that always comes up on my iPod on random (not sure why, but happy that it is so!) and I would never, ever skip it.

OMWH has not left my car player yet. I doubt it will until the next CD comes out.

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Darlin', I've watched AI TITN more than a couple of hundred times. The song I've probably listened to the most is I Survived You...that my JAM! Second? To Love Somebody. It's easier to list things I don't listen to: Here, There, Everywhere; that damn mouse song; Solitaire; Mack the Knife; his solo Open Arms; Lover All Alone.; most of his demos except for Blood - I love Blood with a perverted love.

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Over and over and over you say?

Who me? :lilredani:

I probably listened to OTWOL & TITN a combined bajillion-diggety times *g*


On ADTW it's TOA TOA TOA!!!! hee. Also ATD & ETYGA & IYDKMBN.

On OMWH I'm pretty stuck on SL, Falling & FIEKY.


I'm glad that it appears Clay will be at the final performance. :wub:

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What song haven't I listened to over 94 times is the better question. The ones I liked the least are probably The Blood Will Never Lose its Power and that Bette Midler song that I can never remember the name of. And KAndre, stop picking on my mousie song. I loved how he sang that and then Gladys Knight's reaction to it. I remember when the AI compilation cd came out and all I played at work was Clay's On the Wings of Love. I may have listened to the others once. I'm sure anyone within radius of my desk was getting sick of hearing it, but at that point that was all I had of Clay's so it got played over and over.

So glad Spam is a sell-out. Can't wait to hear re-caps. And I too want to hear that this great cast gets other shows quickly. Who knows, I may even make some trips up to NY again to see them, especially now that I know how to skip the Lincoln Tunnel altogether by taking the ferry.

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Darlin', I've watched AI TITN more than a couple of hundred times. The song I've probably listened to the most is I Survived You...that my JAM! Second? To Love Somebody. It's easier to list things I don't listen to: Here, There, Everywhere; that damn mouse song; Solitaire; Mack the Knife; his solo Open Arms; Lover All Alone.; most of his demos except for Blood - I love Blood with a perverted love.


You don't like the mouse song? Aw. I love the mouse song! I used to love Fievel with that "perverted love" you speak of. That was the song I watched on YouTube that made me just sit back and go "DAMN, SON!"

Oooh... FIEKY! I love that song, plus the fact that you can say the acronym like a word. :lol:

My favorite performance to watch is probably Build Me Up Buttercup. My dad hates the original, so I always have to sing it to him and make him grimace.

*squeezes jamar1700* I absofrickinlutely love WYSYLM. I've stopped listening to it when I drive because I'd bop around to it and it was rather unsafe... :hahaha:

Of course, if we're listing songs we don't listen too... Hm, for me it's probably RTM, IYDKMBN, SSB, and Blood. I don't listen to ATM that much either. I used to not like Touch, but I've begun to think of it in terms of a dance (I keep getting images of Clay in a tux, AI TITN-style, doing a sexy ballroom with me someone) I really like it.

ETA: Yay for a sold-out Spam!

EATA: Where's the love for No More Sad Song? I love that one. I made a CD once that was full of sad songs and stuck NMSS at the end. :D It never failed to crack me up.

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From Butterflyshine at CV:

Report from butterflyshine: Clay just sat down with Reed. Beige overcoat, glasses, beige sweater vest and blue dress shirt and jeans.


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Songs I listen to over and over again:

On MOAM -- Perfect Day, hands down. Second on that list would be Invisible.

On ATDW -- HYCA, EIH, and BW, all three together, in repeat. A gazillion times. One that moved up on the list for me a LOT after the tour in 2007 was BYLM.

On OMWH -- WIDL, TRM, WOTW, and ALAWH, again all four together, in repeat. I also do a lot of OMWH the song.

Christmas/holiday music: AIW and WAYDNYE.

I think I forgot to say "congrats on the good class grades" to annabear!

I hope everyone tonight at Spam has a fantastic time, even if it will be bittersweet. *sob*

EEEEEEEEEEE for Clay sighting there!

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I love the "mouse song"...ergo...my avi...never to change unless somehow I win a meet and greet and get a picture with Clay...."Somewhere Out There" (sung very off key)


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